5 Ways to Get the Most Out of iOS

Examining the hidden gems inside of your iPhone

My apartment is both organized, and not-so-organized.

I have books neatly arranged by topic and author; I have clothes filed away by type in a dresser in my bedroom; I have a medicine cabinet in the bathroom stocked with deodorants and sunscreen and bandaids each with a shelf of their own.

But underneath the veneer of neatness, is quite frankly, a mess. I have a nightstand next to my bed stuffed with random cords and connectors for devices long-gone; I have a filing cabinet with disorganized documents and birthday cards; and then I have The Closet. The Closet is just stuffed willy-nilly with everything else. I shiver when I pass by it. It’s a wreck.

Most of this stuff is junk. But every once in a while I find a small miracle in there. Something lost; something hidden; something that I truly need.

iOS is like this too.

It contains everything: our feats and foibles; our triumphs and our travails. And mostly it’s organized: we know where to find things when we need them.

But iOS has a few disorganized closets of its own. These are the little corners of the system that are mostly filled with useless junk — but that also contain some hidden gems.

I’ve been collecting a few of these gems for myself — and they make using my phone just a little easier every day.

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