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New Publication

Who Wins the AI Value Chain Again?

It's A Brave New World (test version)

Oct 26, 2022 by Evan Armstrong

New Publication

Who Wins the AI Value Chain?

It's A Brave New World (test version)

Oct 26, 2022 by Evan Armstrong

Talk Therapy



Aug 21, 2022

Talk Therapy

#57 - How to conduct a luxurious edit


Feb 10, 2021

Free Radicals

Welcome to Free Radicals

A very belated welcome to Free Radicals. When we launched this newsletter in September of 2020, we just sent it out into the world without really taking a moment to stop and properly introduce ourselves.

Feb 9, 2021 by Annaliese Griffin and Sherrell Dorsey

The Long Conversation

TLC Podcast 11: What’s So Impressive About A Diamond Except the Mining?

With special guest Fadeke Adegbuyi in the room this week, the gang discusses her upcoming essay on the tracking app Spoonbill, the tensions

Feb 9, 2021


[Test from Staging] Creeping as a Service (CraaS)

How Spoonbill reveals our obsession with identity

2 Feb 9, 2021 by Fadeke Adegbuyi

Talk Therapy

#56 - Why audio has a lower “Dunbar’s Number”

With the news that Twitter has acquired the podcasting company Breaker, Nathan walks Dan through his latest Divinations article on the state

Feb 6, 2021


A Post-Mortem for Social Podcast Discovery

Three reasons why RSS still dominates in audio, but not text.

4 🔒 Feb 5, 2021 by Nathan Baschez

Napkin Math

Revenue: It’s Simple, Until It Isn’t

Finally, a clear explanation of bookings, billings and revenue

3 Feb 5, 2021 by Evan Armstrong

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