Did We Create a Rip in the Fabric of Spacetime?

January 2021 Prediction Game Update

Welcome to the Prediction Game. In December, over 1,000 participants filled out 20 questions to predict the future in 2021. We'll be following up and tracking those predictions as the year unfolds. We’ll also explore the science and mysticism of predicting the future.

We’re only one month into 2021, and it has felt like a decade. In America, we’ve held an election and then we held an insurrection. We impeached a president, and then we inaugurated a new one. We did all of that over a 3 week period. And the weird thing is, many of you predicted it! 

You correctly predicted the results of the Georgia Senate race, down to a tenth of a percent.

Someone predicted the violence that broke out on January 6th in astonishing detail.

And many of you predicted Donald Trump’s removal from social media down to the date.

You even predicted that GameStop & AMC... would go bankrupt (okay, so we missed that one.)

Over the last month as we’ve pored over the predictions, we kept saying the same thing over and over: “did we somehow open up some sort of hole in the space-time continuum?”

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