Behind the Scenes of a Profitable Online Course

I advise everyone I know to create an online course. Everyone has something to say. Everyone has valuable knowledge that others could benefit from.

I believe that in 10 years online courses will be like websites today – everyone who works online will have at least one. And without one, you will be all but invisible.

What an “online course” looks like will probably radically change by then. It may look like a newsletter subscription, a private social media feed, an augmented reality lens, a swarm of conversational chatbots, or a virtual reality holodeck where someone can “walk through” your mind. 

But whatever form it takes, every knowledge worker in the future will need some way for others to access their knowledge without also taking their time. As long as you only sell what you know by the hour, you’ll always be chained to a desk, whether you have a traditional job or are self-employed. You’ll never gain the freedom and flexibility that working with knowledge makes possible.

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