Talk Therapy

What happens when two friends start a media business?

Talk Therapy

#31 - Talk Therapy is a mission focused podcast

Dan and Nathan process Coinbase’s decision to disengage from any political issues outside their core focus. What were they trying to do? Wha

Sep 30, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#52 - Inside The Prediction Game, with Andre Plaut

Dan and Nathan welcome Andre Plaut, creator of The Prediction Game—a competition to predict the events of the coming year for a tantalizing

Dec 24, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#13 - Disruption and its discontents

Dan interviews Nathan about his forthcoming series of Divinations essays that explore critiques of the traditional theory of disruption. In

Jul 17, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#12 - It’s Disruption Week!! (part 1)

Dan and Nathan are both writing about Clay Christensen’s iconic theory of disruption, so we decided the second week of July every year is go

Jul 15, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#34 - A Rough Week

After catching up with the latest from Coinbase and its employees, Nathan tells Dan about his week…which honestly sounds more like a country

Oct 9, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

We’re taking a (very short) break

Hey Talk Therapy listeners! We hope your holidays were restful, and that you’re having a productive start to this year.  We’re pausing Talk

Jan 4, 2021 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#30 - Giving your brain novelty, for fun and profit

Nathan interviews Dan about his latest Superorganizers article, “Dopamine Stacking.” Why are we always compelled to try new tools, which of

Sep 25, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#36 - What can businesses learn from Phytoplankton?

After reflecting on their expectations for the (extremely successful) Almanack launch, Nathan takes Dan through his new investigation of the

Oct 17, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#44 - What Kind of Nerd Are You?

After reading Dan’s Superorganizers profile on people person Peter Boyce, Nathan wonders why his hands-on approach to social and business ca

Nov 13, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#27 - How can we give the Bundle Digest its own identity?

Nathan interviews Dan about the latest Bundle Digest experiment and the overall strategy to make it into its own newsletter. How did you fe

Sep 11, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#19 - What should we do with our weekly digest?

Nathan and Dan talk through the experiments they’ve run with the weekly Sunday digests and what they’re going to try next. Here’s the link t

Aug 12, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#15 - Maker weeks & feedback loops

Two things today: First, a bit of follow-up from last episode. We’re alternating weeks where one of us is in “maker mode” and the other is i

Jul 24, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#47 - What founders can learn from Slack’s story

Reacting to the news of Slack’s purchase by Salesforce, Nathan gets into the different opportunities in hardware vs. software and Dan goes d

Dec 3, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#54 - Paradigms ‘R’ Us

What do you do with your revolutionary idea when everyone else has one, too?

Jan 29, 2021

Talk Therapy

#16 - Should you follow your heart?

Nathan and Dan discuss his latest Superorganizers essay on the framework he developed to help him follow his heart — and filter for the best

Jul 31, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#53 - Drop the ‘thing’ — it’s cleaner

Looking back and ahead after the launch

Jan 27, 2021

Talk Therapy

#51 - How content has network effects

Nathan takes Dan behind his latest Divinations essay, “Why Content is King,” from the writing process—which included drafting the piece in l

Dec 19, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#5 - The Results

Dan and Nathan look back on how the Tiago Forte launch went, and learn an important lesson: before you start troubleshooting, make sure the

Jun 16, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#14 - Focus pocus

As the Everything bundle grows, Nathan’s focus seems to have disappeared. Dan helps him troubleshoot, and by the end of the episode, we deci

Jul 22, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#48 - Consumable Software

Nathan loops Dan in on something he thought was a problem: falling in and out of love with different software too quickly. Turns out, it’s m

Dec 10, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#35 - Tricking Nat Eliason into joining the Bundle

Nat Eliason talks to Dan and Nathan about Almanack, his brand-new Bundle newsletter exploring everything it takes for you to live a life tha

Oct 16, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#32 - Are we prioritizing correctly?

Dan talks with Nathan about his latest article, Intangible Returns, and they reflect on their own prioritization strategies as a company. W

Oct 3, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#4 - Adding Tiago Forte to the Bundle

Dan and Nathan discuss adding Tiago Forte to the Everything bundle, and take bets on how the launch will go. Click here to read the transcri

Jun 15, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#40 - Engagement is the ice cream, polarization is the vegetables

Taking a hard look at Substack’s top ten after yet another chaotic week for media (and for everything else), Dan and Nathan dig into the Pub

Nov 1, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez

Talk Therapy

#21 - What’s the right kind of bad?

In a follow-up to their conversation with executive coach Brian Wang last episode, Dan and Nathan discuss addressing small pain points — bot

Aug 19, 2020 by Dan Shipper and Nathan Baschez