Just-In-Time PM #13: Component Thinking

In Part 12, I described the shift from a just-in-case to a just-in-time philosophy of work, using late starts as an example of the benefits it offers.

But if nearly everything can be done later, and there are major benefits to doing so, one question comes to the forefront: what in the world should I do now?

As the constraints on how we work continue to fall away, and you can potentially do any kind of work from anywhere, at any time, the spectre of choice overload looms large. Every minute, you are faced with seemingly infinite options for what to pursue. Instead of being liberating, this possibility is often overwhelming.

Thankfully, there is a good answer for what to do at any given time, which is Principle #5: “Create subcomponents as early as possible.” I define a subcomponent as “an inherently valuable piece of a potential future project.”

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