A new conduit for knowledge of business strategy
All reviews of books, podcasts, articles, etc
The "Divinations" Summary / Review
A little Learning is a dang'rous Thing;Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring:There shallow Draughts intoxicate the Brain,And drinking
It’s not like war, but it’s not like art class, either.
It’s weird, but in some ways, side projects require better strategy than regular businesses. They’re so easy to quit. Even if you love it, y
You probably can't have your cake and eat it too. But that's just fine.
An introduction to one of Michael Porter’s most enduring frameworks
Gumroad’s founder shares what he’s learned about strategy, product, and growth.
Hello again! Yesterday after I published the Sahil Lavingia interview I received a tweet from my friend Alex: https://twitter.com/CantHardyW
A guide to Porter’s “Five Forces” framework—through the lens of Spotify
How the founder of WorkLife Ventures built one of Silicon Valley’s most sought after emerging funds from scratch.
Geoff Atkinson, the former SVP Marketing at Overstock, explains how strategy shifts can emerge through experimentation
Trying something new - what do you think?
A eulogy for a larger-than-life thinker
How to understand the essence of any business
Hiten Shah on why “garbage in, garbage out” applies to strategy, too.
Two new things this week for subscribers! I narrated an audio version of this article just for paying subscribers like you. I’m going to do
Hey! Something special today :) I always wanted to release the raw audio of the interviews I do. But part of the magic of the original inter
Jesse Beyroutey, partner at IA Ventures, on why some companies achieve dominance while others get bogged down.
Hey subscribers! Here is the audio version of the Jesse Beyroutey interview on Dominance Friction. If you haven’t already, I strongly encour
The Divinations Podcast is back! (If you want to add it to your podcast app, press “add to podcast app” by the audio player above!) This wee
My recent interview with Jesse Beyroutey solidified a hunch that I’ve been nursing for awhile: Incentive alignment is one of the most import
Sonos filled homes with silky smooth sound, but it’s questionable if their strategic decisions made them anything more than commodity hardware.