President of Everything!
Nathan and Dan discuss how they test for what kind of content resonates. P.S. — Here’s the essay on Oatly’s marketing by Nat Eliason just p
And how the best of OnlyFans can be applied to other platforms
The return of Three Shorts!
It’s weird, but in some ways, side projects require better strategy than regular businesses. They’re so easy to quit. Even if you love it, y
Welcome to Means of Creation!Every Friday, Li and Nathan interview a guest in the passion economy — founders, creators and operators who are
Dan and Nathan welcome Andre Plaut, creator of The Prediction Game—a competition to predict the events of the coming year for a tantalizing
And what content creators can learn from open-source developers
This week on the Divinations podcast, Adam Keesling and I are interviewed by our pal Dan Shipper about our Quibi prediction piece! How to Li
As the Everything bundle grows, Nathan’s focus seems to have disappeared. Dan helps him troubleshoot, and by the end of the episode, we deci
A special episode with your Means of Creation hosts
Four months ago, when we only had a couple hundred paying subscribers, Adam Keesling made a financial model that predicted we’d have 1,462 c
Two new things this week for subscribers! I narrated an audio version of this article just for paying subscribers like you. I’m going to do
Read to the end for why Warner Music Group paid $85m for a meme-making company
My recent interview with Jesse Beyroutey solidified a hunch that I’ve been nursing for awhile: Incentive alignment is one of the most import
Dan and Nathan ponder the latest features shipped by Twitter and Instagram, and the reactions to both. At what point do compelling experienc
Plus, using Twitch for journalism, Bella Poarch, and the implications of Penske’s control over Hollywood publications
Nathan and Dan talk to Brian McCullough, host of the Techmeme Ride Home podcast, about how the ad deal in last week’s Bundle Digest came abo
Nathan walks Dan through the ideas and strategy behind his new Divinations series, Three Shorts. How do you get from the Zone of Ignorance t
All reviews of books, podcasts, articles, etc
Two things today: First, a bit of follow-up from last episode. We’re alternating weeks where one of us is in “maker mode” and the other is i
Dan and Nathan discuss productivity cycles, the latest version of Sparkle, Dan’s file management system, and how they relate to Nathan’s new
Dan and Nathan discuss balancing meetings with getting writing done. They also discuss balancing living a happy life with trying to put out
Your questions and critiques, answered!
The "Divinations" Summary / Review